How do they come???
Due to the TPD we'll be switching over to Nic Shots for those of you that like a little Nicotine in your liquids.
We will still be stocking the larger bottles, however leaving space to allow for the addition of the Nic Shot(s).
I will be increasing our concentrate levels by 20%, therefor there will be no flavour loss when diluting with the Nic Shot.
You simply squeeze the Nic Shot into the e-liquid bottle (30/60/120ml), replace the cap, shake for a few minutes and leave to stand.
The prices won't change dramatically, for those of you who don't take the nicotine it'll become slightly cheaper, for those of you who do take nicotine, the Nic Shots will be available seperately.
I have created a nice little display, to the right, on how it will work, and each Nic Shot has a peel over label indicating exactly how to use it :)
If anyone has any questions, please please feel free to send them my way :):)
Thanks again for all your fantastic feedback and great support :)